Antico Giardino dei Semplici

Antico Giardino dei Semplici


Italian is a phonetic language.

A phonetic language has a consistent phoneme-grapheme correspondence, so words are pronounced as they are written.


It is basically the Latin alphabet except for the letters J, K, W, X, and Y, which are only used in foreign words.

Letter IPA
A /a/
B /b/
C /k/ or /tʃ/
D /d/
E /e/ or /ɛ/
F /f/
G /ɡ/ or /dʒ/
I /i/ or /j/
L /l/
M /m/
N /n/
O /o/ or /ɔ/
P /p/
Q /k/
R /r/
S /s/ or /z/
T /t/
U /u/ or /w/
V /v/
Z /ts/ or /dz/



There are five vowel sounds: /a/, /e/, /ɛ/, /i/, /o/, /ɔ/, /u/. They can slightly vary depending on stress.


The pronunciation of double consonants is longer in duration (e.g., palla (ball) vs. pala (shovel)).



Articles depend on gender, number, and initial letter of the noun.

Singular Plural Example
il (m.) i il libro (the book) → i libri (the books)
la (f.) le la porta (the door) → le porte (the doors)
lo (m.) gli lo zio (the uncle) → gli zii (the uncles)
un (m.) un cane (a dog)
una (f.) una donna (a woman)


Verbs are highly inflected, with endings changing based on tense, mood, and subject pronoun.

Pronoun Essere (to be)
Io (I) sono (I am)
Tu (You) sei (You are)
Lui/Lei (He/She) è (He/She is)
Noi (We) siamo (We are)
Voi (You all) siete (You all are)
Loro (They) sono (They are)
Pronoun Parlare (to speak)
Io (I) parlo (I speak)
Tu (You) parli (You speak)
Lui/Lei (He/She) parla (He/She speaks)
Noi (We) parliamo (We speak)
Voi (You all) parlate (You all speak)
Loro (They) parlano (They speak)
Pronoun Preferire (to prefer)
Io (I) preferisco (I prefer)
Tu (You) preferisci (You prefer)
Lui/Lei (He/She) preferisce (He/She prefers)
Noi (We) preferiamo (We prefer)
Voi (You all) preferite (You all prefer)
Loro (They) preferiscono (They prefer)

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